Health Science Journal

About Health Science Journal

Index Copernicus Value : 111.82
Research Gate Impact Factor: 0.30
Impact Factor: 2.63*
H-index: 17        

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Health Science is one of the most emerging fields in the present scenario. The level of health science involvement in the fields of scientific research has reached to that extend; the health safety of any developing as well as developed nation can be evaluated through the level of advancement of health Science of the particular nation.

Health Science is a multidisciplinary field that aims to disseminate information, scholarship experience in education, practice and investigation between health status and quality of care for individuals, families and communities. Health Science Journal aims to supply scientists of health with resources in order to provide the scientific knowledge through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality, scientific papers and other material on all topics related to Medical biochemistry, Biotechnology, Health engineering, Epidemiology, Genetics, Nursing, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Public health, Psychology, Physical therapy and Medicine.

Health Science Journal uses Editorial Tracking System for a qualitative and prompt review process. Review processing is performed by the editorial board members of Health Science Journal or relevant experts from other universities or institutes. Minimum two independent reviewer’s approval followed by editor approval is required for the acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress through the Online Manuscript Submission. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions to the editor whereas the editors can manage the whole submission/review/revise/publish process via Editorial Tracking System.

The journal is indexed and abstracted in the following databases: Cosmos, Index Copernicus, ProQuest, EM Care, Google Scholar, Current Abstracts, Crossref, EBSCO, WorldCat, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory and endorsed by Hellenic Society of Nursing Research and Education.

Health Care and Technology

Improvement in today’s technology also has great impact on healthcare. Current technology allows health care professionals to easily diagnose disease and to differentiate them from related diseases. In fields like brain mapping and genetics computerized technology helps to analyze huge volume of data.

Related Journals of Health Care and Technology

International Journal of Public Health, International Public Health Journal, International Journal of Public and Medical Health, Health Technology Assessment, Ontario Health Technology Assessment Series, International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, Clinics in Mother and Child Health, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews , Health Systems and Policy Research

Health Management

An effective health management will provide easy, effective and affordable access of health care to people when they are in immediate need of health care professionals attention. It is highly required in huge hospitals where large number of people are treated for various diseases by doctors from different speciality.

Related Journals of Health Management

Health Care Journal, Journal of Health Care, Journal on Health Care, Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, Population Health Management, Health management technology, International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, International Journal of Workplace Health Management, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Hospital & Medical Management, Oral Health and Dental Management, Pain Management & Medicine,

Health System

Health system which is some time called as health care system is the frame work that assure to provide an efficient and affordable health care services to individuals in a community while taking into account of their financial status.

Related Journals of Health System

Health Care Journal Articles, International Journal of Research in Health Science, International Journal of Health Science and Research, International Journal of Mental Health Systems, Health systems in transition, Issue brief (Center for Studying Health System Change), Journal of the Society for Health Systems, Research briefs : center for studying health system change, Health Systems and Policy Research, Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems, Clinics in Mother and Child Health, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access

Health Regulation

Health regulation is a set of procedure that helps the health care professionals to deliver their full services to patients especially during spreading of disease while it is endemic so that they could prevent the disease from becoming epidemic or pandemic.

Related Journals of Health Regulation

Journal of Public Health Research, Health Research Journal, Journal of Health Research, Advances in Biological Regulation, Current topics in cellular regulation, Gene Regulation and Systems Biology, Gene Therapy and Regulation, Clinics in Mother and Child Health, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews , Health Systems and Policy Research

Health Issues

Health issue occurs when the normal metabolism of the body failed or altered due to pollutant, pathogen or other means that cause health problem which are considered as disease.

Related Journals of Health Issues

Journal of Health Science and Research, Health Journal, American Health Journal, Women's Health Issues, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues, Current Issues in Molecular Biology, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Women's Health, Issues & Care, Clinics in Mother and Child Health, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews

Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Epidemiology and biostatistics helps to keep up-to-date record about the prevalence of diseases within the population. It helps in the prevention of spreading disease across the world. It prohibits the diseases from becoming endemic and finally epidemic. It also helps to analyze the cause of the disease and thus helps to prevent the disease very effectively.

Related Journals of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Scholarly Health Articles, Public Health Related Articles, International Journal of Medical and Public Health, American Journal of Epidemiology, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, Annals of Epidemiology, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, Biometrics & Biostatistics, Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences, Pathology & Epidemiology, Epidemiology: Open Access, Advances in Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety

Personal Health

Personal health refers to the wellness of the individual. While personal health care is provided to people those who are not able to take care of themselves. It involves people with certain mental disorder, physically challenged people, etc.

Related Journals of Personal Health

Journal Health, Medical Health Journal, Journal of Public Health Policy, Personal Relationships, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Personalized Medicine, Personality and Mental Health, Journal of Personality Assessment, Clinics in Mother and Child Health, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews , Health Systems and Policy Research

Health Psychology

Health psychology is based on the concept that physical health is not dependent only on the biological process but it depends on the psychology of the individual, their socioeconomic status, culture, etc. One such example is the consumption of alcohol and some other psychotics can cause addiction or reinforced behaviour and can affect both mental and physical health.

Related Journals of Health Psychology

Online Health Journal, Global Public Health Journal, Journal of International Health, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Educational Psychology, Health Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, Abnormal and behavioural psychology, Applied and rehabilitation psychology: open access, International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology, Psychology & Psychotherapy, Clinical and Experimental Psychology

Public Health

In public health rather than considering the health of the individual we will consider the health of the entire community or certain population. It mainly focus on preventing infectious disease, removing contaminants from food and drinking water, reducing pollutions, by public health policies (for example administering vaccines for various diseases) etc since they can affect the entire community.

Related Journals of Public Health

Health Journal, Public Health Journal, Health Articles, American Journal of Public Health, Annual Review of Public Health, Public Health Nutrition, BMC Public Health, Journal of Public Health, Community & Public Health Nursing, International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health, International Journal of Public Health and Safety, Tropical Diseases & Public Health,

Health Professional

Health professionals are people whose area of expertise is of human health. Health Care people have strong knowledge in various illness that are caused by pathogen, genetic, pollution, physical damage, etc. They also have knowledge on how to diagnose and treat such illness. These people include doctors, nurses, pharmacist, etc.

Related Journals of Health Professional

Scholarly Health Articles, Public Health Related Articles, International Journal of Medical and Public Health, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Journal of Interprofessional Care, Journal of Professional Nursing, Professional nurse (London, England), Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, Forensic nursing: open access, Advanced Practices in Nursing, Community & Public Health Nursing, Nursing & Care, Perioperative & Critical Intensive Care Nursing

Health Education

The main focus of health education is to make the community people aware about the prevalent disease and its preventive methods or educating individual people about their illness and helping them to take care of their health. The health education mainly involves computerized graphical video that helps people to understand better about their sickness and its preventive measures.

Related Journals of Health Education

International Journal of Public Health, International Public Health Journal, International Journal of Public and Medical Health, Health Education Research, Health Education and Behavior, Health Education Journal, American Journal of Health Education, International Quarterly of Community Health Education, Research & Reviews: Journal of Educational Studies, Community Medicine & Health Education, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews

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Health Outcomes

Health outcome is the process of measuring how well a person responded to a treatment. It helps to better understand the efficiency of the treatment. While measuring the health outcome we will consider things like how well the person is after certain treatment and we will prefer treatment that has no or at least less side effect from treatment.

Related Journals of Health Outcomes

Health Care Journal, Journal of Health Care, Journal on Health Care, Disease Management and Health Outcomes, Health Outcomes Research in Medicine, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management, Report on medical guidelines & outcomes research, Clinics in Mother and Child Health, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews , Health Systems and Policy Research

Health Communication

Health communications is the process of educating people about health education. Since different group of people have different health needs we have to alter the health education to suit the need of each people. The health communication hence plays a major role in improving public health.

Related Journals of Health Communication

Health Care Journal Articles, International Journal of Research in Health Science, International Journal of Health Science and Research, Journal of health communication, Health Communication, Nuclear Medicine Communications, Human Communication Research, Cell Communication and Adhesion, Clinics in Mother and Child Health, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews , Health Systems and Policy Research.

Health Facilities

Health Facilities are places that are equipped with resources that can provide meet the demands of different patients. The health facility include clinics, hospitals, psychiatric centers, labs etc. The health facilities are equipped with equipment that are necessary to diagnose and treat disease. These facilities can be general or specialized.

Related Journals of Health Facilities

Journal of Public Health Research, Health Research Journal, Journal of Health Research, Health facilities management, Healthcare facilities management series, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Journal of Healthcare Protection Management, Clinics in Mother and Child Health, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews , Health Systems and Policy Research

Health Nutrition

Health nutrition is about the intake of food that could improve the health. Different set of nutrition are required for various people. The careful choice of food nutritious food that improves the body metabolism helps to improve the health.

Related Journals of Health Nutrition

Journal of Health Science and Research, Health Journal, American Health Journal, Public Health Nutrition, Journal of Nutrition, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Maternal and pediatric nutrition, Nutritional Disorders & Therapy, Food & Nutritional Disorders, Nutrition & Food Sciences, Animal Nutrition

Clinical and Health Psychology

Clinical and Health psychology deals with the understanding the changes in individual psychology and behaviour during various situations like health and illness. One such example is the consumption of alcohol and some other psychotics can cause addiction or reinforced behaviour and can affect both mental and physical health.

Related Journals of Clinical and Health Psychology

Journal Health, Medical Health Journal, Journal of Public Health Policy, International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Educational Psychology, Neuropsychology, Abnormal and behavioural psychology, Applied and rehabilitation psychology: open access, International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology, Psychology & Psychotherapy, Clinical and Experimental Psychology

Social Care

Social Care is the provision given to the people who unable to meet their daily needs due to illness, old age, poverty, orphan children etc. with an intention to improve their living and to protect them.

Related Journals of Social Care

Online Health Journal, Global Public Health Journal, Journal of International Health, Health and Social Care in the Community, Informatics for Health and Social Care, International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, Social Care and Neurodisability, Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care, Research & Reviews: Journal of Social Sciences, Arts and Social Sciences Journal, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access

Skin Health

The skin is the outer most covering of human. It is the largest organ in our body. It helps to separate the internal organs from the environment. It also plays a major role in regulating the body temperature. Skin health concerns with incorporating effect strategies to protect the skin.

Related Journals of Skin Health

Health Journal, Public Health Journal, Health Articles, Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, Skin Research and Technology, Advances in skin & wound care, Skin therapy letter, Skin Research, Melanoma and Skin Diseases, Clinics in Mother and Child Health, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews

Sleep Health

Sleeping is the process in which the brain enters an altered state of consciousness. During sleep the person becomes less responsive to the surrounding. Usually during sleep the brain recurs between two very different modes called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep which in itself consists of many other factors. Any defects in this process may cause sleep problem. Sleep health deals with maintaining all these process.

 Related Journals of Sleep Health

Scholarly Health Articles, Public Health Related Articles, International Journal of Medical and Public Health, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Journal of Sleep Research, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Behavioral Sleep Medicine, Sleep and Biological Rhythms, Sleep Disorders & Therapy, Sleep Disorders : Treatment & Care, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access

International Health

International health is the sub set of health care that deals with maintaining the proper health of the entire world population. It concerns with people who travels from one part of the country to other who could be the carrier of disease. International health helps people who are travelling to different parts by administering necessary vaccines.

Related Journals of International Health

International Journal of Public Health, International Public Health Journal, International Journal of Public and Medical Health, Tropical Medicine and International Health, BMC International Health and Human Rights, International Health, Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy, International Journal of Obesity, Clinics in Mother and Child Health, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews , Health Systems and Policy Research

Social and Behavioral Science

Behavioral Science is the study of characteristics of human. Various fields in behavioral sciences are psychology, cognitive science, criminology, etc. It investigates and analyze the human relationships through the behavioral aspects of disciplines such as biology, geography, law, psychiatry and political science. It explores the effect of human actions and interaction.

Related Journals of Social and Behavioral Science

Health Care Journal, Journal of Health Care, Journal on Health Care, Behavioral Sciences and the Law, Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, Abnormal and behavioural psychology, Annals of Behavioural Science, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews

Health, Physical Education and Recreation

Health of a person is defined as the overall wellness of a person which includes physical health, mental health and social status. Physical Education helps individual to maintain their physical wellness through exercise, yoga, etc. Recreation are activities that are done for pleasure.

Related Journals of Health, Physical Education and Recreation

Health Care Journal Articles, International Journal of Research in Health Science, International Journal of Health Science and Research, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Osteoporosis and Physical Activity, Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews

Maternal and Child Health

Maternal and Child health helps to protect and promote the health of mother and new born child. Since new born child are much more prone to disease and need adequate nutrition maternal and child health helps mother by providing them with proper education about taking care of their child.

Related Journals of Maternal and Child Health

Journal of Public Health Research, Health Research Journal, Journal of Health Research, Maternal and Child Health Journal, Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, Evidence-Based Child Health, Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, Maternal and pediatric nutrition, Clinics in Mother and Child Health, Childhood Obesity, Child and Adolescent Behavior, Psychological Abnormalities in Children

Nursing Education

Nursing education focuses on educating health care people about effective ways to deliver the health care to patients. It educates nurses about how to administer different medicines, to examine patient and to deliver best services to patients.

Related Journals of Nursing Education

Journal of Health Science and Research, Health Journal, American Health Journal, Journal of Nursing Education, Nursing Education Perspectives, International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, Annual Review of Nursing Education, Research & Reviews: Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, Perioperative & Critical Intensive Care Nursing, Nursing & Care, Community & Public Health Nursing, Advanced Practices in Nursing

Health Record

Health records help to maintain the details about the medical history of patients. It helps doctors to keep track of the treatments that are given to the patients. It is also helpful when patient shifts from one doctor to another. In the modern era the medical records have been shifted from paper based record to electronic records since they are much more safe and easy to access.

Related Journals of Health Record

Journal Health, Medical Health Journal, Journal of Public Health Policy, IHRIM : the journal of the Institute of Health Record Information and Management, Journal (Institute of Health Record & Information Management : 2008), Anatomical Record, Psychological Record, Clinics in Mother and Child Health, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews , Health Systems and Policy Research

Health Assessment

Health assessment is important and often first step in identifying the patient’s problem. Health assessment helps to identify the medical need of patients. Patients health is assessed by conducting physical examination of patient.

Related Journals of Health Assessment

Online Health Journal, Global Public Health Journal, Journal of International Health, Psychological Assessment, Health Technology Assessment, Journal of Personality Assessment, European Journal of Psychological Assessment, Ontario Health Technology Assessment Series, Clinics in Mother and Child Health, Health Education Research & Development, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Health Care : Current Reviews , Health Systems and Policy Research


Articles published in Health Science Journal have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Health Science Journal has got h-index 61, which means every article in Health Science Journal has got 61 average citations.

*2016 Journal Impact Factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2014 and 2015 with the number of times they are cited in 2016 based on Google Scholar Citation Index database. If 'X' is the total number of articles published in2014 and 2015, and 'Y'is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2016 then, impact factor = Y/X

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