
Ιntersectorial relations of personnel in the hospital

Background: Nowadays, the hospitals have turned their interest more than ever in the Administration of Human Resources. It is well-known that the success of hospital is based almost on the factor person. The main factors that influence the productivity of a hospital are the quality of employees in a hospital, their enthusiasm, their satisfaction from the work, their experience, the feeling of their fair treatment, the motives that are provided for them, all these influence the productivity and finally, the viability of hospital. The aim of this study was to explore internal communication and labour relations of personnel in all branch in the General Hospital of Heraklion “Venizeleio-Pananeio”. Methodology: The sample constisted of 78 workers. Descriptive survey was conducted and the collection of data was performed by numbers, percentages and means of a specifically designed questionnaire, which apart from the demographic data, it included questions concerning the labour relations of workers and evaluation of incitement's policies. The data analysis was performed using the statistical programme SPSS 11.0 for Windows. Results: From the 78 individuals that participated in the research 51 (65%) were women and 27 (35%) were men. Regarding age, 25 (32%) were age of 18-36 years and 53 (68%) were age of 37-65 years. In terms of education level, 34 (44%) individuals were of secondary education, 22 (28%) of technological education, 22 (28%) of university education and 3 (4%) had titles of postgraduate study. Regarding the reasons of conflicts between doctors and nurses, 21 (27%) of the participants reported that does not exist conflict, 32 (35%) believe that doctors “increase the pressure of nurses’ work” and only 6 (8%) support that there is conflict becouse of other reasons. On the contrary only 4 (5%) persons consider responsible the nursing personnel because of “nurses’ unwillingness for collaboration with the doctors” Moreover, 33 (38%) persons answered that “the governor is considered not a part of the hospital”, 24 (27%) consider that there is responsibility of doctors becouse they reported their role more important”. Finally, 13 (15%) of the doctors deny to consider theirselves existent Conclusively: There are important elements that prove disturbed relations between the professional teams that compose the personnel of hospital. Exists need for improvement of this relations via Administration of Human Resources.

Author(s): Maniou Maria

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