
The significance of the application of hazard analysis critical control point system in hospital catering

Background: The HACCP concept is a systematic approach to food safety management based on recognized principles which aim to identify the hazards that are likely to occur at any stage in the food supply stage and put into place controls that will prevent them from happening. Ensuring the safety of food is a challenge in all healthcare institutions from small residential units to large acute hospitals, long-stay psychiatric hospitals and nursing homes. The aim of present study was to review the role of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) application in hospital catering. Method and Material: The method of this study included bibliography research from both the review and the research literature in several databases (Medline, Scopus and EMBASE) which referred to HACCP system applications in health care institution’s catering facilities. The search was performed using the following key terms: HACCP, hospitals, food safety, food hygiene. Results: The position of catering services within a hospital is often given low priority compared to high-profile medical services. However, catering is pivotal to the operation of the hospital. Unfortunately this is rarely recognized and while there are often fund –raising initiatives for a new coronary care unit, the need of the application of HACCP in a hospital catering does not generate the same level of interest. HACCP is a proven food safety management system based on prevention, that contributes to the reduction to an acceptable level or elimination of hazards in the field of food production in hospital catering. Conclusions: The food safety challenges can vary between and within institutions, from neonatal intensive care units to geriatric wards. However, the basic requirements for good hygienic practices and effective food safety management systems are the same. A hygiene management system based on HACCP principles will help ensure the production of safe food in hospital catering and avoid a significant amount of financial cost.

Author(s): Grintzali Georgia P.

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