The use of technology and its’ providing information allows the elderly to face more easily the difficulties of modern life, trespassing the limits of their social and emotional isolation, thus achieving a more qualitative living. The purpose of this research was to explore whether the elderly were familiar with modern technology. Material and Method: The sample studied consisted of 300 people, 65-85 years old. Collection of data was conducted by the completion of an anonymous questionnaire. Analysis of data was performed using the SPSS 15 statistical package and one-way ANOVA x2-test, and t-tests were applied for the statistical process. Results: Οf the 300 individuals studied, 134 were men and 166 women. 79.7% were in the age group of 65 to 74 years. All respondents reported that they used everyday appliances. In detail, 94% of women used machines that help in household tasks such as washing machines, 98.5% iron, whereas the 98.8% of men preferred watching television. Regarding the use of ATM machines, women faced more difficulties with a statistical significant difference, compared to men, p