Aim : The aim of the present study was to assess validation and reliability of the questionnaire : “Needs of hospitalized patients with coronary artery disease”. Method and Material: A sample of 702 patients with coronary artery disease hospitalized in public sector was enrolled in the study. The study was conducted between June 2009 and June 2010. A questionnaire of 39 items was used in order to assess patients’ needs. Moreover, baseline characteristics were recorded. Evaluation of the face and content validity was performed by asking 15 patients and 5 health professionals to evaluate the clarity and plenitude/ representativeness of the questions regarding the assessment of hospitalized coronary disease patient’s needs. Evaluation of the construct validity of the questionnaire was performed by factor analysis. Results: Factor analysis led to the derivation of 6 components that indicate the following needs: a) need for support and guidance, b) need for information from the medical-nursing staff, c) need for being in contact with other patient groups, and ensuring communication with relatives, d) need for individualized treatment and for the patient’s personal participation to his/her treatment e) need to meet the emotional needs (e.g anxiety, fear, loneliness) and the physical needs (such as relaxation, sleep, better conditions during hospitalization), f) need to trust the medical-nursing staff. Cronbach Alpha coefficient indicates a high consistency of the questions of which the sub-scale is consisted (Cronbach's a> 0.8). Finally, a high repeatability of all sub-scales of questionnaire was identified through intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Conclusions : The questionnaire proved to be a valid and reliable instrument of needs of hospitalized patients with coronary artery disease. Its’ use in daily clinical practice will enable health professionals to provide high quality of care.